Sitemap - 2024 - Ageling on Agile

7 ways leaders cripple their organization by destroying trust

You can't ignore your organizational culture

One-on-one coaching moment for paid subscribers

How relevant are the Agile principles today?

Re-Release: Great Managers Are Catalysts of Successful Organisations

How relevant is Agile today?

Don't forget to verify the outcome

The world needs Agility, but the world doesn't know

The perils of a talkative coach

Overlooked leadership traits - Part 3: Patience

Re-release: We ditched Scrum because it slowed us down – and turned into a feature factory

Overlooked leadership traits - Part 2: Empowering employees

My Dynamic Reteaming article for Log Rocket

No weekly article

A Review Is No One-Way Demo or Bragging Event

One-on-one coaching moment for paid subscribers

Overlooked Leadership Traits - Part 1: Empathy

Being a Guest on The Delivery Space Podcast

Beyond Agile - 7 lessons from the Agile era

Without trust, organizations fail

Don't follow without question!

Re-Release “Scrum didn’t work for us, so we went back to PRINCE2”

6 ways HR is crucial for the success of an Agile organization

True leadership shows when times get rough

9 Potential Pitfalls for Product Managers as Product Owners

The myth of the stable team

8 Ways Organizational Culture Kills Agility

Re-release: ‘Scrum is an awful project management methodology’

Ivory towers jeopardize value creation

Cross-functional teams and dependencies

Trust and collaboration go a long way

Beware of Scaled Agile

8 Product Management Hacks

Introduction to unFIX

One-on-one coaching moment for paid subscribers

Are you recently promoted to a Product Manager position? - Here are a few pitfalls to avoid

Individual performance appraisals are perfect to destroy the cohesion in a team

Sharing the credits - how hard can it be?